Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Hippeastrum 'Neon'

Hippeastrum neon....
a splendid and gorgeous amaryllis which blooms faithfully each year and multiplies easily.it is one of the early bloomers.buds start forming in end of February and blooms start in last decade of march.
according to my experience it is sterile because all my efforts to pollinate it either as pollen donor or as mother failed each time.i tried because it has few good qualities like beautiful light pink color,healthy blooms more than 6 number of florets per stalk and long sturdy stalks.
here are few shots of beautiful NEON....
these photos are from 22-02-2018 first sign of flower buds emerging.

buds forming stage 12 march on wards

finally beautfull neon..

Hippeastrum 'Lima'

Botanical Name
Plant Common Name
Florist Amaryllis, Hippeastrum, Lima Florist Amaryllis
General Description
One of several narrow-petaled cultivars known collectively as "spider amaryllis," this striking hybrid of Hippeastrum cybister has bold maroon striping on the upper three of its six olive-green petals.it is a robust grower.for me it often blooms twice in a year.first it bloomed in November 2017 and now in February 2018.it is a gift from a great gardener mr imran khurram sb.it produces a lot offsets.
here are few snaps of lima.